Toxic Effects on the Fetus
- Pregnant women that consume methylmercury during pregnancy can bear children who have neurological issues ranging from brain damage, to hearing and vision loss, to motor development delays
- Mercury can accumulate in the fetus during pregnancy and negatively impact growth by eliminated development of neurons
- Most vulnerable sub-population to methylmercury poisoning
Toxic Effects on Babies and Children
- In children, defects due to methylmercury toxicity can result in deficits in attention, behaviour, cognition and motor skills
- Mercury can pass from mother to baby through breast milk
- Due to the more permeable blood brain barrier in babies and children, this sub-population is more at risk of neurotoxicities caused by methylmercury poisoning
Toxic Effects on the Reproductive System
- Deformation of sperm producing cells
- Reduced sperm quality and quantity
- Increased risk of spontaneous abortion
- Evidence of abnormal menstrual cycles
Treatment and Prevention
- There is no cure for mercury poisoning, however, prevention is possible and certain treatments are available
- Installation of water purification stations at home and in communities
- Chelation Therapy: Usage of chelating agents to extract and eliminate mercury from the water sources and the body
- Chelation Therapy: Usage of chelating agents to extract and eliminate mercury from the water sources and the body
- Halt intake of contaminated food items
- Readily available treatment centres for management of severe symptoms
